Food for Thought
Here I will highlight some of the some leading research and theories which strive to understand the history, structure, implications, and future of the economic system we live in today.
Reviewing Modern Monetary Theory
Modern Monetary Theory has been a popular topic in political and economic discussions in response to the elusive question "How much government debt is too much debt?". In this academic review, I discuss what MMT is, the history of the theory which underpins it, and the various reasons why this theory breaks down explaining why MMT has never and can never be seriously considered in its currently proposed form.
By: Nicholas Dolasinski
May 14, 2024
Unpacking Open Market Operations
What is Open Market Operations?
Who does this policy tool impact the most?
What is the overall effect of Quantitative Tightening or Quantitative Easing on the Economy?
These questions are of particular importance today, as the Federal Reserve is in the midst of its second episode of significant Quantitative Tightening ever. Given the current delicate state of the economy and markets generally, it is imperative that policy makers and market participants alike understand Open Market Operations and its potential implications. In this article, I discuss what Open Market Operations is and reveal the various channels through which this policy injects and removes money from the general economy.
"Opening Up Open Market Operations"
By: Nicholas Dolasinski
Nov 31, 2023
The Error in Karl Marx's Conclusion
In this article, I explore why Karl Marx's famous conclusion that capitalism can only end in a communist revolution led by the working class has yet to fully occur. In doing this, I develop my own theory of value similar to Carl Menger's Subjective Theory of Value. I also describe a unique way of understanding how humans prioritize goods extract satisfaction from the consumption of goods and services.
"The Error in Karl Marx's Theory"
By: Nicholas Dolasinski
May 13, 2023
What caused the Great Depression?
In this article, I will analyze four key mistakes the Federal Reserve made in the late 1920's early 1930's. These mistakes both the allowed the initial recession to begin and the promoted its growth from a typical recession to what we call the "Great Depression".
"What Caused the Great Depression?"
By: Nicholas Dolasinski
February 25, 2023
The Cost of Business Cycles
In this article, I discuss what the ultimate consequence of flunctuating buesiness cycles to society. From this, we can develop a better understanding of how we value periods of expansion and pay for recessions. This also promotes discussion surrounding the role of the government in mitigating these natural flunctuations in the economy.
"The True Cost of Business Cycles"
By Nicholas Dolasinski
November 20, 2022